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New to Ben Franklin

Information for parents that are new to Ben Franklin Elementary.

Welcome to Ben Franklin Elementary!

We hope that we can answer some of your questions here. If you need more specific answers, try using the search feature at the top right of this page or refer to the Student Handbook. You may also contact the school office staff at 425.936.2550 with any questions.

Moving to our Area
Please refer to the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) website to get detailed information.

Registering New Students

LWSD outlines the procedures for registering your child, and information that is required. If you have questions during the school year regarding registering your child(ren) at Ben Franklin, please contact our registrar, Ann Coon at 425.936.2550.Please note that the school offices are closed in the summer until mid-August.

Kindergarten Registration
If your child is turning 5 on or before August 31st, you register your child in their neighborhood school. Kindergarten registration in LWSD. Click here to see information on school readiness. 

School Policies and Procedures
All Ben Franklin school policies and procedures can be found in the Student Handbook. All parents and students are required to review this handbook.

School Calendar
For a quick view of the LWSD school year click here.For more detailed information check the calendar on the home page of this website.

Bi-Weekly Updates
Weekly information from both the school and PTA.

Daily Schedule
School hours are 9:20 am until 3:50 pm. The earliest drop off time is 9:05 am. 

Wednesday Early Release
Every Wednesday, students are excused from school at 2:20pm. This time is used by staff for staff training, collaboration, working on our school improvement plans and other important work.

School Supplies
School supply lists vary by grade. Your child should have a backpack (no wheels) to carry school announcements and classroom materials home from school.

Classroom Assignments
Classroom assignments are posted during Meet and Greet the week before school begins. Teachers also send out welcome letters in email the week before school begins.

Bus Transportation
The Transportation Department will mail out cards with information on the time and place for pick up. Cards are usually mailed in late August. You can also find bus information on the LWSD Web site.

Volunteering at the School
We have lots of amazing volunteers. Check out our Volunteer Blue Form for all kinds of volunteer opportunities here at Franklin. For the safety of our students, all volunteers must go through the district's volunteer application process before beginning their assignment. You can apply online through the

School Lunch

Every child has a lunch account. Lunch menus, fees, and the ability to add money to your child's account is available online. You may also write a check for lunch money and send it to the office.

Visiting the School
Whenever you visit school, you must check in at the main office. Other visitation times must be scheduled with the teacher.

Food Allergy
Please inform your child's teacher and clearly state the allergy(s) on their Nurse Alert Card which will be sent home in the First Day Packet.

Taking Medication at School
All medications will need a doctor's prescription and a signed medical form available from the office. All medications include over the counter and prescription drugs. School staff are only allowed to administer medications that can be swallowed.

Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours and not have vomited for 24 hours before returning to school. Children will not be kept in from recess due to sickness. If they are too sick to go out to recess they should stay home.

Absences and Late Arrivals
Please call the school office 425.936.2550, if your child will be absent or arriving late. We have an answering machine, so you may call at any time. Leave your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name along with a message stating whether your child will be absent or late.

Wet Weather Recess
Students will go out to recess in the rain (hood or hat recommended). Indoor "rainy day recess" will only take place in the case of severe weather conditions such as thunder, lightning, or extreme rain and wind. Also, students line up outside the school each morning, rain or shine.So please make sure your child has a jacket to help them stay dry.

Weather Related Closures:
To ensure that all families know when school has been cancelled or delayed, Lake Washington School District will place a call to all parents via School Messenger beginning at 6 a.m. on those days. The information will also be posted as a school alert on the home page of the school website, at, and on many local television or radio stations,

Joining the PTA
Membership forms are sent home with students in their First Day packet. Membership forms are also available at the Meet and Greet, and at curriculum Night in September. You can also download a FRANKIN PTA